Tempat Unik di Dunia

Tempat Unik di Dunia

10. Guaíra Falls, Brazil-Paraguay Border

Ada yang berpikir bahwa Niagara Falls, air terjun terbesar di dunia. Tetapi sebenarnya Guaira Falls adalah yang terbesar di dunia dengan volume air terjun yang mencapai rata-rata sebesar 1,75 juta kaki kubik per detik. Bandingkan dengan Niagara Falls dengan hanya 70 000 meter kubik per detik. Sumber Guaira Falls yang terletak di perbatasan Brasil-Paraguay, adalah sungai Parana. Pada tahun 1982, air terjun Guaira ini dibangun bendungan untuk pembangkit listrik bernama Itaipu Dam, dan sekarang menjadi bendungan terbesar kedua dan produsen listrik terbesar di dunia setelah Gorges Dam. Bendungan Itaipu dipasok 90 persen listrik ke Paraguay, dan 19 persen ke Brasil, dan juga Rio de Janeiro dan Sao Paulo.


most unique and unusual places in the world guaira falls 300x225 Top 10 Most Unique and Unusual Places In The World
Guaira Falls
most unique and unusual places in the world guaira falls Brazil 300x300 Top 10 Most Unique and Unusual Places In The World
Guaira Falls Brazil

9. Iceberg B-15,  Antarctica

most unique and unusual places in the world iceberg antartica 220x300 Top 10 Most Unique and Unusual Places In The World

 Iceberg Antartica
most unique and unusual places in the world iceberg 219x300 Top 10 Most Unique and Unusual Places In The World

8. Don Juan Pond, Antarctica .

most unique and unusual places in the world don juan pond antartica 300x223 Top 10 Most Unique and Unusual Places In The World
Don Juan Pond Antartica
most unique and unusual places in the world don juan pond 300x204 Top 10 Most Unique and Unusual Places In The World
Don Juan Pond

7. Rotorua, New Zealand

most unique and unusual places in the world rotorua New Zealand 300x225 Top 10 Most Unique and Unusual Places In The World

Rotorua New Zealand
most unique and unusual places in the world rotorua 188x300 Top 10 Most Unique and Unusual Places In The World

6. 83-42, Greenland

most unique and unusual places in the world 83 42 greenland 300x199 Top 10 Most Unique and Unusual Places In The World
83-42 Greenland
most unique and unusual places in the world greenland 300x202 Top 10 Most Unique and Unusual Places In The World

5. Socotra, Republic of Yemen Socotra

most unique and unusual places in the world socotra island 300x220 Top 10 Most Unique and Unusual Places In The World

Socotra Island
most unique and unusual places in the world socotra tree shape 300x205 Top 10 Most Unique and Unusual Places In The World
Socotra Tree Shape

4. The Great Dune of Pyla, France

most unique and unusual places in the world the great dune of pyla1 300x199 Top 10 Most Unique and Unusual Places In The World

The Great Dune of Pyla
most unique and unusual places in the world the great dune 300x225 Top 10 Most Unique and Unusual Places In The World
The Great Dune

3. Meteor Crater, Crater USA

most unique and unusual places in the world meteor crater USA 300x178 Top 10 Most Unique and Unusual Places In The World

Meteor Crater USA

2. Mount Roraima, Venezuela, Brazil and Guyan

most unique and unusual places in the world mount roraima Venezuela 300x201 Top 10 Most Unique and Unusual Places In The World

Mount Roraima Venezuela
most unique and unusual places in the world mount roraima 300x211 Top 10 Most Unique and Unusual Places In The World
Mount Roraima

1. The Door To Hell, this Turkmenistan

most unique and unusual places in the world door to hell 300x199 Top 10 Most Unique and Unusual Places In The World

Door to Hell
most unique and unusual places in the world the door to hell 300x200 Top 10 Most Unique and Unusual Places In The World
The Door to Hell

1 Response to Tempat Unik di Dunia

  1. sjones says:

    spell check, buddy…spell check

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